Sunday, June 6, 2010

Where are the ingredients?

Let me just start by saying, I know I am not the first to say this. But.....
I went to a New Mega Whole foods opening this afternoon.  In the parking lot many of the vendors had their wares on display. That is except for the companies I would have thought were supplying a whole foods, you know the ones selling WHOLE FOOD.   Everyone except for a few cheese vendors were selling pre-packaged pre-made processed foods.   Cookies, Cakes, Ice cream, energy bars. A few Food organizations were represented, like Marin Organics. and a local winery.  But other than that they were missing out.   

The food tasted good and it's touted as locally produced.  I would like to see a whole foods one day that just had ingredients flours, meats, vegetable and fruits  All raw ingredients.  and the only packaged items would be bags filled nuts, and maybe pasta - but come on- how hard is pasta to make - really.  Flour eggs salt and a little water.  knead for a few minutes roll out and cook.   There enjoy!   Oh, the proportions!  Just guess try a little of each ingredient and see how it comes out.  If you don't like it next time try something different.  That is how our grandmothers and other ancestors figured it out, and why there are about a million different types of pasta.  And trust me we can always uses one million and one more.

You know what whole foods does really well, they have great displays of food.  but as far as products and ingredients go, It isn't any better than any random market, maybe just more expensive, but not always.

Monday, I will be stopping by the village pub to see if I can get in there.  It is a one star in Woodside, side CA.  I'll let you know how it goes.  My wife is also dropping hints about cooking vegetarian.  None of the restaurants on my list are vegetarian so if anyone knows a really good one please forward it along and I'll add it to the list.

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