French Laundry ***

Status:  Incomplete

Listed on Page 272 of the 2010 Michelin guide.  This is my ultimate goal The purpose of my being.  

I have never eaten here,  I have only herd about it through reputation, but I have to say, the review in the Michelin guide does not seem to do this culinary temple justice.   I was expecting, not a review, but a description worthy of the efforts I know the staff put into every meal.  Honestly  it reads just like the review for any of the other restaurants.   Change the name and you would never know they weren't talking about page 140, Fringale.  Come on boys & girls can't you do better?  Possibly the price of their famously anonymous reviewers is that they don't need to put the effort into the final product, though I'm sure the work is hard.

Just an example:  one of these sentences is from the french laundry review,  the other from Fringale.  see if you can tell which go to which

1. "Dishes continue to be unpretentious and approachable."
2. "The courses bring new meaning to the word seasonal."

How about this:

"Time is a funny thing when you are in heaven,  though the world below rushes by you at the speed of light, here you experience every detail with aw only reserved for new borns. and though your body has eaten and gone home your soul remains affixed to the first course, the first bite and an eternity unnoticed will have passed before the night has even begun"

That is the description of a three star restaurant I would put in a review.