Monday, June 7, 2010

Boulevard *

Today I couldn't make it to Village Pub like I had planned.  I wasn't anywhere near Woodside so I opted for a place called Boulevard in S.F.   It is a great location.  If you get there around 3:00  All the business people are heading home there is plenty of parking on the street out side the restaurant.  get a table on the east side of the restaurant and look over the bay and bay bridge.  Do some people watching while you wait for your appetizers.  I'm told once the food come everything else doesn't seam to matter anymore and that is all you can focus on.

I spoke to one of the Chefs there but she said her name so quickly I couldn't grab it. we had a quick talk about this project and I suspect if it were entirely up to her she would let me come in.  Of course I'm assuming she is going to read this and will be flattered at the perceived professionalism I felt she exuded, and will want nothing more than to help me on my quest. 

Al right back to reality!   I suspected Mondays were not going to be a good day to track down the decision makers - the chefs that can put me on their schedules.  I've always told people not to go out and eat on Mondays It's not that the food is any different, especially in quality restaurants.  It's that the staff is coming off a busy weekend, energy is down, usually a lot of prep work to get through and it takes a couple of days to get back into the flow when everyone's timing is in sync and it becomes effortless.  

I also Visited, what is becoming my Nemesis, Murry Circle.  Is it a bad thing that the staff recognize me when I walk in?  But there was progress, I spoke to the Sous Chef, Tim, who is the brother of the chef.  He seamed to think that the chef would not have a problem assistning in my effots, and it was going to be their H.R. Department that would put the kibosh on anything.  I told him to hire me for a day and hand me my walking papers after the shift was over. I got a laugh out of him.   As long at H.R. gets their paperwork we should be golden.  Though getting paid does go against my rules......   I need a loop hole.  Ok! what I will do, is if any location absolutely has to pay me I will give that money over to charity.   I'll  find a good one - something food related- open hand or some type of food kitchen.

I'll have to look into that.

1 comment:

eddie dolzadelli said...

The Dolzadellis are a good charity, if your giving away money!!!!lol. good luck Chuck. Dozer